
Risks An Astronaut

Friday, May 16, 2014


Now a newly released report their health as the astronauts asked for a delay of ten years before the public knows. And now we know the problem, what is the real result of life in outer space. 

Prior to outer space, the astronauts must follow the medical tests. This test is important to examine how the conditions before, during and after space missions. Only people who are super healthy may become an astronaut. Here's what the results of their medical tests during the mission. 

During the seven missions that lasted from 14 to 189 days, there are few health problems experienced by astronauts. It was over in space. You know, as we perceive, headache, insomnia or constipation. Regular problem and before leaving they already provided all kinds of drugs.
Now they go home . How their health while living back on Earth ?

Even though when leaving the astronauts is a super healthy person , when I go home ? Well , their bodies adapted to the weightless condition . In space influence the Earth's gravity is so small that they practically do not have problems with weight . When they return , they suffered a shock body systems . Shock !

Heart has been adapted to the low gravity , he did not work harder to pump blood to the head . As a result, the level of hemoglobin and low blood pressure . And so out of the ship to set foot on earth they can stand adversity . Even if they would stand unsteadily and even fainting .

Even more worrying is the impact of micro gravity on bone and muscle . Normally they carry the weight of the body . In space , they are prone to decay because there is no dependency . To prevent this, astronauts have to exercise on treadmills and stationary bicycles while in space . Even so , tetapisaja they lost about 2 percent of bone mass every month !


Logo Mission of Apollo       International Space Station 

The same was felt by astronauts from the ISS . They have the muscle strength of 30 % to 40 % below normal muscle strength . Equivalent to grandfathers 80 year old !

This is why we as yet send people to Mars . Month to hell can , the Apollo 11 mission , for example , only takes 8 days round trip ( including 21 hours 36 minutes on the lunar surface ) . Remember the moon's gravity is only one sixth of the earth . But if we go to Mars , with a departure time of any technology now need 9 months . Say it one day on Mars , home again need 9 months , 1 year and a half anniversary . But they may be long on Mars . The problem is , even when in Mars gravity , which is 38 % of the earth , ( 2.2 times the moon ) that astronauts would be too weak to work and can be collapsed and broken bones .

How ordinary people want to go to another planet to try, if only so the astronauts will be like an old man so his strength ? There is still recommended techniques scientists . Starting from the player uses a giant centrifuge to mimic the effects of gravity to the development of a pill that could blockade the disappearance of bone and muscle mass . But some say , if so sports are even harder . And one more problem for astronauts , they tend to lose their appetite . Just imagine , every day food is only pasta . Yup , just shaped astronaut food toothpaste . Although a variety of tastes . This is so the body can digest . Like people who do not have teeth like that , but still mending not have any teeth , can still eat rice even if just swallowed . Intestinal astronauts would not be able to digest rice . Eating pasta continues to certainly make your appetite disappeared and this also makes them more weak . Currently scientists are developing a super -rich pasta meals with protein for astronauts , so even if only a little meal , the nutritional needs of their muscles to regenerate them insufficient .

This is also why an astronaut is not easy . The selection process is crazy. When the selection of astronauts for space station MIR 1988 to 1999 , there were 1065 candidates from all over Europe . This candidate is not kepengen own tablets , but nominated by each of the parties involved . From the 1065 's , only 13 people will be selected . How the selection ? Most of the fall of the current academic and professional tests as well as a large number of medical tests . Sounds normal, but it was the first test of new and already killed 793 people here .

The remaining candidates are tested his physical and mental health . Vision and hearing should be sharp and his size should be fitted with a narrow Soyuz capsule and will deliver them to Mir . They must hold the inverted condition while playing with a speed of 30 revolutions per minute . Drunken ? Out !

Eath From the Moon
Candidates then placed in a centrifuge centrifuge and rotated up to 8 times the strength of Earth's gravity for 30 seconds . Fainting ? Out !
The rest were told to sit in a room with the same condition are at an altitude of 10 thousand feet . Then the engine room is conditioned as to bring the surface of the Earth in just 30 seconds ! That means the same as riding speed 1200 km / h . Fainting ? Out !
The rest were told to run according to age . When he was 40 years old , he had to run 1 mile in 4 minutes 10 seconds maximum , and had to sprint ( sprint ) run 100 meters with a time of 16.8 seconds maximum . Not able ? Out !
In the final they will be interviewed by the manager of the European space . And this is where they will be determined the winner .
Once elected , they are not necessarily bound departing . They should follow the basic training program . Once the program is completed , they are sent to a facility in Star City near Moscow . Here they must follow a special training program mission . Prospective astronauts stay at the facility for months and following various medical examinations . And finally , two or three weeks before the day of the launch , they quarantined the total to avoid any infection . It was only on the day they appeared , dressed cool and ready to go into space and devote themselves to science and the state with the risk of sudden so grandfatherly 80 -year -old .


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