
Biography : John F. Kennedy

Friday, May 16, 2014

John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born in Brookline , Massachusetts , May 29, 1917 , often referred to John F. Kennedy , Kennedy , John Kennedy , Jack Kennedy , or JFK was the President of the United States 35th . In 1960 , he became the youngest elected President of the United States , and the second youngest after Theodore Roosevelt for president . Kennedy became president after taking office on January 20, 1961 . Occupation the Presidential stalled after his assassination in 1963 . He was killed by bullets during a visit to Dallas ( Texas ) on 22 November 1963 . Kennedy collapsed when the car crossed the open that brought the crowd who welcomed his visit .

Kennedy is a member of the Kennedy clan blooded Irish - Americans , a family prominent in the political world country . He is regarded as a symbol of American liberalism . In World War II , he was admired for his courage and heroism when he saved a fellow sailor in the South Pacific Ocean .

 Kennedy representing Massachusetts in 1947-1960 , as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate .

 He was elected President in 1960 with a slim victory in one of the tightest elections in American history .

Kennedy was the youngest man elected president ( not to be confused with the youngest person to hold the post of president , a record held by Theodore Roosevelt ) , the first U.S. president born in the 20th century , and also the youngest president of the deceased .

While serving as president , he also created the character that many aphorisms , the most famous are:

Until 2005, he was also the only Roman Catholic ever elected as President of the United States , the president of the Democratic representative from the North last , and the last president who died while serving .

After the assassination of John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963 in Dallas , Texas , the world condole his death .

In a survey conducted by C - SPAN that sort of U.S. presidents , a panel of historians give him value in the second position in the overall and the general population gave him third in forty-two presidents who never served . The agenda was not completed due to his death ; most of the people right policy show results through its successor , Lyndon B. Johnson .

The assassination of John F. Kennedy

The assassination of John F. Kennedy , 35th president of the United States , took place on Friday, November 22, 1963 in Dallas , Texas at 12:30 pm Central Standard Time ( 18:30 UTC ) . Kennedy was killed by a shot while being in the car with his wife Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy .

President John F. Kennedy was eventually killed by a shot in the neck in Dallas when he was in the presidential motorcade with an open car on November 22, 1963 . Currently , the governor of Texas , John Connally was also injured . In just two hours later , Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for the murder of a Dallas policeman , and that evening he was indicted on murder charges in the death of a police officer , JD Tippit . The next day in the morning , Oswald suddenly been charged with the murder of the President . Later on 24 November 1963 , while on her way to move Oswald from the Dallas Police Department to the county jail , Oswald was shot by Jack Ruby , a night club owner and killed instantly .

   = Lee Harvey Oswald

 10 -month investigation by the Warren Commission of 1963-1964 , the United States House Select Committee on Assassinations ( HSCA ) of 1976-1979 , and other government investigations concluded that Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald . This conclusion is supported by the public in 1964-66 , but the elections held after 1966 and showed 80 % of Americans do not believe it . The murder is still debated and raises some conspiracy theories .

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