
10 the best bomber aircraft ever made

Friday, May 16, 2014

Modern air forces , the distinction between bombers , fighter-bombers , and attack aircraft has become blurred . Many fighter aircraft , which at first glance like a fighter , can be optimized to drop bombs , with very little ability to engage in aerial combat . The following are the top ten bombers of all time .

10 . Handley Page 0 / 100

Developing new aircraft technology 10 years before World War I occurred . but within a few years of that, its development is so fast . Handley Page 0 / 100 is the first British heavy bomber that entered service in 1916 as a means to attack the German Zeppelin base which caused great damage to London .

Powered by two Rolls Royce engines with a speed of 79 mph . Wings extending 100 - feet wide , making this aircraft is capable of carrying 2,000 pounds of bombs with remarkable accuracy . After the wars , Handley returned to its original function , becoming a glyph for the first civil aviation in Europe .

9 . Tupelov Tu - 95

Large bomber belonging to the Soviet long-range , dubbed the Bear . Designed to carry up to four nuclear bombs to the U.S. mainland from bases in Russia . Launched at the Moscow air show in 1955 , its existence becomes a big threat for three decades for the western powers .

8 . Avro Lancaster Bomber

Lancaster is a famous British heavy bomber during World War II . Having the ability to carry up to 22,000 pounds , capable of flying at night and continues to be a threat to the city and German factories .

As a favorite bomber , Lancaster bombing used in a variety of special operations , such as the bombing of the German dams in 1943 , and the German battleship Tirpitz raid . But that success must be redeemed at a price quite expensive , 55,000 airmen never returned from the various battles .

7 . Boeing B - 17 Flying Fortress

In 1937 , Boeing Aircraft Company built the first American bomber which made ​​full metal . 4 is powered by the engine , he was the legendary B - 17 Flying Fortress . Equipped with a 13 caliber machine gun on his back 0.5 , this bomber able to drop 6,000 pounds of bombs stomach .

The most spectacular action was when almost 1000 pieces B - 17 berated the German positions in Europe . This attack is recognized as one of the attacks that changed the map of power in Europe in World War II .

6 . De Havilland Mosquito

Nicknamed the " Wooden Wonder , " The Mosquito perhaps the most versatile aircraft during World War II . As a bomber , the Mosquito too fast , because its light weight . Built of wood , the plane was nearly undetectable radar .

In addition because of the speed , he does not carry defensive weapons . Even the speed able to rival fighter / fighter . With a load of 2,000 pounds ( later increased to 4,000 pounds ) and the ability to fly from a height of 10 feet up to 31,000 feet , Mosquito often gets a small bomb enemy front line .

5 . Junkers Ju - 88

Believed by many to be the most important German bomber of World War II salama . Ju - 88 bombers were in the forefront of Germany in 1939 to end the conflict . Versatile design allows it to be used as a bomber or fighter plane .

Although heavier than air Heinkel 111 and Dornier 17 , Junkers was the fastest of the Nazi bomber fleet . The aircraft is difficult subjugated by hunters allied aircraft , in addition to his speed , he is equipped with 7 fruit machine guns all over its body . Duty reach 8,000 pounds , the aircraft is actually very reliable by Hitler .

4 . Boeing B - 47 Stratojet

When the B - 47 Stratojet first aired in 1947 , a lot of people excited about the design . B - 47 using a swept wing technology captured from Nazi Germany , and was also inspired by a motor tricycle unusual . This leads to a lot of people think it would be nothing more than a prototype aircraft .

But in mid - 1948 it became clear to the Air Force and Boeing aircraft that far exceeds any executive aircraft  with straight wings as his era . Pilot Chuck Yeager was sent to follow the B - 47 in a jet fighter to test his speed .

He radioed to the pilot of B- 47 , " I can not keep up . " Next day , B - 47 broke the record for cross- country with an average speed of 609.8 mph . A few years later , he became the primary bomber for the Strategic Air Command and eventually more than 2,000 B - 47 was built . B - 47 and B - 52 successor later became a line-up of nuclear bombers in the Cold War era .

3 . Boeing B - 29 Super Fortress

B - 29 has a range of more than 3,500 miles, with 31,850 feet operating altitude and 358 mph top speed . Can carry a large payload of 20,000 pounds of bombs and was armed with 12 .50- caliber machine guns and 20 - mm caliber cannon .

The design is already very advanced aircraft , aircraft aerodynamics concerns , the crew compartment pressurized and equipped with bullet-proof glass . Used extensively in the conventional bombing missions against Japan . Achievement B - 29 is most known for dropping the atomic bombs Little Boy and Fat Man on Hiroshima and Nagasaki , which finally ended World War II .

 Little Boy and Fatman.

2 . Northrop Grumman B - 2 Stealth Bomber

The plane that just looks like a flying wing . B - 2 made ​​by Northrop . Coated with a special composite laminate and paint secret , B - 2 is almost invisible to radar . He is often identified as a UFO . Based in the U.S. , with the air refueling , these aircraft can reach all parts of the world without exception . Worth about 2.2 billion U.S. dollars .

And The Best Bomber Aircraft is.......

1 . Boeing B - 52 Stratofortress

8 is powered by a jet engine with a maximum speed of 650 mph , a cruising range of more than 8,000 miles and the ability to drop 70,000 pounds of bombs , the B - 52 is the most lethal bombs in the world . It can also carry nuclear weapons , cruise missiles and precision bombs .

In addition to the role during the Cold War , this aircraft was also used to bomb North Vietnam . In Afghanistan and Iraq wars , B - 52 on a variety of targets with heavy damages . Although built with 1950s technology , B - 52 probably still in active service until 2045.

Actually there are many other range bombers , such as supersonic bomber Tupelev " The Black Jack " Tu - 160 belonging to Russia , but this is at least 10 aircraft proved resilient aka Battle proven in the real war .

I share more pictures of B-52 Stratofortress for all.

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