
Javelin Anti- Tank Rocket M47 Dragon ATGM

Monday, April 28, 2014

10 The Best Tank In The World

Actually, ironically enough , while most people in the world for peace, but states " super power " in the relentless world to create powerful weapons and destructive ends such as fighter aircraft , nuclear , tanks , and so forth .
Here 10 Main Battle Tank ( Tank Combat Main ) of the world's most advanced , superior and quickest .


 is 3rd generation tanks operated by the People's Liberation Army of China . Noted as one of the fastest tanks in the world . Considered as one of the twelve best tanks in the world . the price per unit of about 2.5 million U.S. dollars . Also known as ZTZ - 99 and WZ - 123 . Is a new variant type of 99km . It is currently the most advanced MBT used by the Chinese People's Liberation Army . Began operating in 2001 .

Features and specifications :

The laser system has a JD - 4 active defense
powerful engine
155mm guns with kinetic rounds
Armoured good
Driver's compartment at the front
Fighting compartment located in the rear of the driver's compartment
Engine mounted in the rear
125mm/50-kaliber dual axis stabilized smoothbore gun ZPT98
Equipped Russian 9M119 anti-tank missile
Maximum speed 80km/jan
Weight of 54 tonnes for Type 99G , 57 tonnes for Type 99A1 , 88A2 58 tons to type
11 m long and 3.4 m wide
Operated by 3 crews
Merkava - ISRAEL

Merkava in Hebrew means " chariot " , is the main battle tank of the Israel Defense Forces . Price per unit is approximately 4.5 to 5 million U.S. dollars .

Features and specifications :

Assembling the tower is located near the rear of the function gives the crew additional protection against a frontal attack
The clamshell -style rear entrance which provide head protection when off - and on- loading cargo or personnel
Weight 65 tons
The length of 9.04 meters
Width of 3.72 meters
Height 2.66 m
Operated by 4 person crew ( commander , driver , gunner and operator )
Maximum speed of 64 km / hour .


CI ARIETE is the main battle tank of the Army of Italy. These tanks are equipped with optical systems , digital imaging and the latest fire control . It allows for CI ARIETE remain effective against moving targets in day or night .

Features and specifications :

Equipped with a 120 mm smoothbore cannon Oto Melara
7.62 mm coaxial machine gun
Also has a 7.62 mm machine gun manned by anti- aircraft tank commander
Weight 54 tons
Length 9.67 m
Operated by 4 crew
Maximum speed of 70 km / h


Arjun is a main battle tank ( Once again , military language is MBT - Main Battle Tank ) state of India . Price per unit is 3.8 million U.S. dollars . The name is taken from the tank one of the characters of Mahabharata is the story of Arjun ( Arjuna ) .

Features and specifications :

Equipped with a 120 mm gun with APFSDS ammunition which has the ability to beat other tanks were superior
Has a 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun and one 12.7mm machine gun .
Multi - engine diesel fuel with a single MTU power of 1,400 horsepower
The maximum speed of 70 km / h
Operated by 4 crew ( commander , gunner , operator and driver )
Have automatic fire detection devices
NBC protection system
Weight 58.5 tonnes
Length 10.68 meters

T - 84 - UKRAINE

T - 84 MBT is from Ukraine . MBT is one of the fastest in the world . Began to use the Armed Forces of Ukraine since 1999 . T - 84 is a development of the T - 80 Soviet Union . Oplot T - 84 is a version of the sequel that combines an armored ammunition compartment in a certain system and layout .

Features and specifications :

Its power is 26 horsepower / ton ( T - 90 contemporary Russia only 18 horsepower / ton )
Very well designed for use in hot climates , and even including a crew compartment air- conditioned
Weight 46 tons
Length 7,086 meters
Width of 3.775 meters
Height 2,215 meters
Operated by 3 crews
Maximum speed of 65 km / h

 T - 90 - RUSSIA 
T - 90 is a Russian main battle tank and the most advanced tank used by the Russian Army . Price per unit is around 2,230 million U.S. dollars . Into use in 1992 .

Features and specifications :

T - 90 tanks and weapons from the Gun Sight 1G46 T - 80U
The concept of protection of Kontakt - 5 ERA
Equipped with a laser warning receiver
Equipped EMT - 7 for the destruction of magnetic mines
Armed with infrared ATGM jamming system Shtora
Operated by 3 crews
Combat weight of 46.5 tonnes
Features 4-stroke V - 84ms diesel engine with a power of 849 horsepower
Fuel capacity of 1,600 liters
Distance of 650 km on paved roads and 500 km in the field of non tarmac
Maximum speed of 65 km / h
Weight 46.5 tonnes
Length 9.53 m

Leclerc - FRENCH

Leclerc is a main battle tank created by Nexter of France . Named after a World War II -General of General Philippe Leclerc ie . Into use in 1992 by the French , and is also used by the United Arab Emirates . The total number of French Leclerc owned approximately 406 units and the UAE have 388 units.

Features and specifications :

Weight 54.5 tonnes
The length of 9.87 meters
Width of 3.71 meters
Height 2.53 meters
Operated by 3 crew ( commander , gunner and driver )
Maximum speed of 71 km / h

Leopard 2 - GERMAN

The Leopard 2 is a German battle tanks uatma . Into use in 1979 . Dropped straight into the first battle in the battle of Kosovo and also in action in Afghanistan with ISAF forces . Leopard 2 tanks is the most expensive in the world , one unit is worth 4.5 million U.S. dollars ( Leopard 2A6 ) . - This tank would be purchased from Dutch Indonesia -

Features and specifications :

Having feature digital fire control systems with laser rangefinders
The main weapon is completely stable
Equipped with a coaxial machine gun
Having advanced night vision and sighting equipment
Having the ability to stay focused on moving targets while moving in difficult terrain .
Can pass through water 4 meters due to using a snorkel
Can climb vertical obstacles over one meter high .
Powered by the engine turbo -charged multi - fuel V12 diesel that produces 1,500 horsepower
Weight 62.3 tonnes
Length of 9.97 meters
Width of 3.75 meters
Operated by 4 crew
Maximum speed of 72 km / h


Challenger II - ENGLISH

FV4034 Challenger II tank is the pride of Britain . Is the main battle tank of the British Army and Oman . Extremely reliable in the war . During the invasion of Iraq in 2003 , Challenger II tanks operating in the Gulf have never experienced a total breakdown due to enemy attack .

Features and specifications :

Can withstand the attacks of 14 rocket-propelled grenades and anti-tank missiles MILAN 1 .
Price 7.291 million U.S. dollars
Weight 62.5 tonnes
Length of 8.3 m and 11.5 m in length overall ( with cannon ) and width of 3.5 m
Operated by 4 crew ( commander , gunner , operator and driver )
Its maximum speed is only about 59 km / h

M1A2 Abrams - U.S.

You are looking for the strongest tanks in the world ? Here she M1 Abrams , believed to be the most powerful tank in the world . Is a third generation American tanks . Named after a former General of the U.S. army chief of staff and commander of U.S. military forces in Vietnam 1968-1972 , namely General Creighton Abrams .


Features and specifications :

Using a powerful gas turbine engine
Armor made ​​of advanced composite
Separate ammunition storage in a blow - out compartment for crew safety
The U.S. used the heaviest tank - 62 ton
Will be used by the U.S. is likely until 2050
Maximum speed of 67.72 km / h
Price 6,210 million dollars


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